Our independence is our strength.
We’re independent of any lender or bank and can impartially access the entire market to get the best deal we for you.
When you work with a broker from a bank, the only products they can offer you are the few products their bank carries. The mortgage market is a big place, and there are many banks and lenders who would like to have you as a client, and each of them have different mortgage products available.
New loan products, changes to approval guidelines and documentation requirements are introduced almost daily, you need someone who knows the market to help narrow down your search.
Since approval guidelines and program details vary from lender to lender, we work to match your individual financial profile to the most appropriate mortgage available.
Applying is Easy
We don’t keep bankers hours. Questions can arise at any time- which is why we are available 7 days a week. Applications can even be handled over the phone, fax, or internet – anywhere.
You can use our contact form, call us at 604-878-7777 or fill out a secure on-line application. It’s that easy!