Information is provided for sample purposes only. Its accuracy is not guaranteed. Information should be verified and should not be relied upon as legal, financial, or other advice.
Monthly: 12 (once a month).
Semi-Monthly: 24 (twice a month).
Bi-Weekly: 26 (once every two weeks).
Weekly: 52 (once a week).
Minimum: 1 Year
Maximum: 40 Years
Enter the amount of money you want to borrow. Do not enter a dollar sign.You can calculate the maximum mortgage amount you qualify for (based on income and debt) by using the Maximum Mortgage calculator, located in the “Mortgage Calculator” section.
Minimum: $10,000
Maximum: $1,000,000
Enter the interest rate you would like to use for calculating your payment and amortization schedule. Enter the interest rate in a whole number format. For example: 4.56 NOT .0456
Minimum: 2.0
Maximum: 25.0