Better Score, Better Rate

Credit Repair Consultation can help you achieve a higher credit score and potentially lower mortgage rates.? In many cases, a better score will be the difference between you qualifying for a mortgage at a good interest rate, or qualifying period.

I have an excellent tool that can help you pinpoint trouble areas and offers effective fixes. There are both Short-term score enhancement recommendations (which take effect in 45 days or less) and? Long-term score enhancement recommendations. Recommendations involve things like paying down debts by specified amounts, resolving credit disputes, utilizing dormant accounts, and removing old or inaccurate items from your bureau.

The product?s scoring recommendations have been derived from thousands of backtests of actual credit report data and closely correspond to Equifax?s Beacon score model.

Browse our site, use our calculators and tools, and access the online mortgage application form.

Of course, you can always call Jean Yves at 604-878-7777 or use the contact form if you need information or assistance.


Lionsview Mortgages